Contribute to Pet Healthcare Industry with Latest Technologies 

PaPi Tech leverages the latest technologies i.e. AI, IoT, 5G, Bluetooth to provide mid-range pet health care products to customers, and leads the trend of digital transformation in the pet healthcare industry. 

We contribute anonymous data for pet healthcare research and analysis. Moreover we aim at developing AI Pet Guardian in the soonest future to provide the maximum convenience to the pet keepers. 

Bring Convenience to Pet Keepers by Digitalization 

With our goal to minimize time and effort, PaPi Tech facilitates digitizing pets’ medical profile for easy archive and retrieval that enable pet keepers to monitor their furry kid’s status on-the-go.

Carrying out social responsibility is one of our missions – we see educating current and pet keepers to-be, as well as shaping an environment for better living of animals with humans as our goal.